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Table 2 Age and screening experience among the groups

From: Effect of providing risk information on undergoing cervical cancer screening: a randomized controlled trial


Group A (n =  622): Intervention group (benefit)

Group B (n =  640): Intervention group (benefit +  risk)

Group C (n =  650): Control group (simple)

p- value

Mean (SD) age (years)

29.6 (4.5)

31.4 (4.2)

31.0 (4.3)


Age groups (years):



270 (42.3)

295 (46.1)

275 (43.4)



352 (57.7)

345 (53.9)

375 (56.6)

Screening during 2 years before study

11 (1.7)

14 (2.2)

23 (3.4)


  1. Values are presented as n (%).
  2. ap-value for comparison of age distribution between three groups by one-way ANOVA.
  3. bp-value for comparison of age proportion between three groups by chi-squared test.
  4. cp-value for comparison of cervical cancer screening experience between three groups by one-way ANOVA.