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Table 1 Description of Quality of Life and Health Survey (in Spanish: “Encuesta de Calidad de Vida y Salud”) variables used

From: Social inequalities in self-perceived health in Chile, does the urban environment matter?: a cross-sectional study


Original question


Dependent Variable

Self-perceived health

“Would you say that your health is: Excellent. Very Good. Good. Fair. or Poor?“

“Good health”: excellent. very good. or good.

Poor health”: fair or poor

Social Environment Independent Variables

Sense of belonging to the neighborhood

“How much do you agree with the following statements: b) I feel that I belong to this neighborhood: Strongly Agree. Agree. Neither Agree nor Disagree. Disagree. or Strongly Disagree.“

“Agree”: Strongly Agree. Agree.

“Neither Agree nor Disagree”: Neither Agree nor Disagree.

“Disagree”: Disagree. or Strongly Disagree.

Perception of support networks

“How much do you agree with the following statements: i) I think my neighbors could help me in an emergency: Strongly Agree. Agree. Neither Agree nor Disagree. Disagree. or Strongly Disagree”.

“Agree”: Strongly Agree. Agree. Agree. or Strongly Disagree.

“Neither Agree nor Disagree”: Neither Agree nor Disagree.

“Disagree”: Disagree or Strongly Disagree


“Do you actively or frequently participate in the following organizations (participate in meetings and other activities at least once a month)”

Egotropic participation: Sports or recreational club; artistic. cultural. women’s. senior citizen or support group identity.

Sociotropic participation: Neighborhood groups; territorial associations or volunteer groups.

Religious participation: Church

“Yes participates” if the person participates in at least one organization in the corresponding category.

“Does not participate” if the person does not participate in any organization in the category.

Physical Environment Independent Variables

Perception of problems with quality of public space

“What infrastructure and equipment problems do you identify in your neighborhood or locality? f) Insufficient or poorly maintained paving; i) Lack of or poorly cleaned streets and sidewalks; e) Poor lighting

“No problem” if the person does not report any of the problems.

“Yes Problem” if the person reports at least one of the listed problems.

Perception of pollution problems in the environment

“What problems related to pollution or deterioration of the environment do you identify in your neighborhood or locality?

(a) Noise nuisance; (e) Bad smells; (f) Micro garbage dumps; (h) Stray dogs”

“No Problem” if the person does not report any of the problems.

“Yes Problem” if the person reports at least one of the listed problems.

Perception of problem of infrastructure availability in the neighborhood

“What infrastructure and equipment problems do you identify in your neighborhood or locality? a) Lack of squares. green areas. others; b) Lack of sports infrastructure (courts. gymnasiums. tracks. circuits. others); c) Lack of community centers. places for social gathering or recreation”

“No problem” if the person reports none of the problems

“Yes Problem” if the person reports one of the problems listed.

Independent Safety Variable

Perceived safety in the neighborhood

“How safe do you feel walking alone in your neighborhood when it is dark? Very unsafe. somewhat unsafe. somewhat safe. very safe”

“Safe”: Very safe

“Somewhat safe”: Somewhat safe

“Unsafe”: Very unsafe. Somewhat unsafe