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Table 2 Subjective competence assessment in the process of diagnosis and treatment

From: What requirements do primary care physicians have with regard to dementia diagnostics and dementia care? – a survey study among general practitioners in Germany 2022/2023

Question (0 = “Not at all good” to 10 = “Excellent”)

Average (median)

Urban vs. rural doctors

Doctors with geriatric training vs. doctors with no geriatric training

In general, how would you rate your knowledge/competence with respect to the diagnosis process for dementia-related diseases?

X̄: 5.7 (˜x: 6.0)

X̄: 6.5 (˜x: 6.0) /

X̄: 5.2 (˜x: 6.0) *

X̄: 6.5 (˜x: 7.0) /

X̄: 5.0 (˜x: 5.0) *

In general, how would you rate your knowledge/competence with respect to the treatment process for and management of dementia-related diseases?

X̄: 5.4 (˜x: 6.0)

X̄: 6.5 (˜x: 7.0) /

X̄: 4.8 (˜x: 5.0) *

X̄: 6.3 (˜x: 7.0) /

X̄: 4.9 (˜x: 5.0) *

What would you say? How familiar are you with the S3 guidelines for dementia diagnosis and treatment?

X̄: 4.1 (˜x: 4.0)

X̄: 5.1 (˜x: 6.0) /

X̄: 3.5 (˜x: 3.0) *

X̄: 5.8 (˜x: 6.0) /

X̄: 3.1 (˜x: 2.0) *

How confident do you feel when comes to making a dementia diagnosis in line with the guidelines? (This means the S3 guidelines.)

X̄: 4.0 (˜x: 4.0)

X̄: 5.0 (˜x: 4.0) /

X̄: 3.5 (˜x: 3.0) *

X̄: 5.3 (˜x: 5.0) /

X̄: 3.3 (˜x: 3.0) *

How confident do you feel when comes to managing a dementia-related disease in line with the guidelines, i.e. supporting with treatment and medication? (This means the S3 guidelines.)

X̄: 4.4 (˜x: 5.0)

X̄: 5.3 (˜x: 7.0) /

X̄: 3.8 (˜x: 4.0) *

X̄: 5.7 (˜x: 6.0) /

X̄: 3.4 (˜x: 3.5) *


Significant difference: * p < 0.001; T-test