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Table 2 Key model parameters

From: Investigating zero transmission of HIV in the MSM population: a UK modelling case study

Policy Aim

Key Parameter

Description of parameter

Decreasing the size of the susceptible population

Annual probability for an HIV-negative individual to start PrEP

Allows the number of individuals taking PrEP to be adjusted through changing the rate of uptake

Reducing the length of time over which MSMLWH can transmit the virus

Proportion of MSMLWH diagnosed within three months of transmission

Models the early diagnosis of MSMLWH and allows individuals to move to ‘on treatment’ health states more quickly

Annual probability of screening HIV-negative individuals and undiagnosed MSMLWH

Represents the proportion of MSM tested for HIV every year

Proportion of MSMLWH starting treatment within six months of diagnosis

Represents the proportion of diagnosed MSMLWH starting treatment within six months of receiving a diagnosis

Proportion of MSMLWH starting treatment within three months of diagnosis

Models the ‘Immediate ART’ policy in which individuals initiate ART within 90 days of diagnosis [10]

Proportion of MSMLWH using ART who are virologically suppressed

Defines the proportion of individuals who achieve virologic suppression while on treatment. It is assumed that ART is 100% effective and MSMLWH who are virologically suppressed are unable to transmit HIV to others (also known as U = U). This parameter is henceforward referred to as TasP

  1. Footnotes: ART: antiretroviral therapy; MSM: men who have sex with men; MSMLWH: men who have sex with men with living HIV; PrEP: pre-exposure prophylaxis; TasP: treatment-as-prevention; U = U: undetectable = untransmittable