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Table 2 An example of search queries used in Scopus database registry

From: The longitudinal effects of the built environment on transportation and recreational walking, and differences by age and sex: systematic review protocol

Query used for built environment

TITLE-ABS ( “built environment*” OR neighbourhood* OR neighborhood* OR “physical environment*” OR geograph* OR environment* OR “urban environment*” OR “objective environment*” OR spatial OR pedestrian-friendly OR “suburban environment” OR sprawl OR “street connectivity” OR “land use” OR walkab* OR sidewalk* OR footpath* OR “urban design*” OR “urban form” OR “community design*” OR “spatial cluster*” OR “bike way*” OR “bike path*” OR “bike lane*” OR “foot path*” OR “side walk*” OR “cycle path*” OR “bicycle path*” OR “bicycle lane*” OR “speed limit*” OR traffic OR “low traffic” OR destination* OR “residential density” OR “population density” OR “employment density” OR “retail density” OR proximity OR accessibility OR “recreation* resource*” OR “recreation* facilit*” OR “recreation* opportunit*” OR park OR parks OR “open space*” OR garden* OR green* )

Query used for walking

TITLE-ABS ( walk* OR strolling OR “active transport*” OR “ecological commut*” OR “ecological transport*” OR non-auto* OR non-motorise* OR non-motorize* OR travel OR “active travel*” OR “physical activity” OR exercise OR inactive* OR “physically active*” OR ambulation )

Query used for study design

TITLE-ABS ( longitudinal* OR prospectiv* OR cohort OR follow-up OR “follow up” OR relocat* OR stay* OR mover* OR experiment* OR quasi OR quasi-experiment* OR “before-after” OR “time series” OR “prospective stud*” OR “natural experiment*” OR “repeated cross-section*” )

Query used for purpose of walking

TITLE-ABS ( transport* OR recreation* OR leisure* OR “activity purpose” OR “travel purpose” OR utilitarian )