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Table 1 Characteristics of study participants by frailty status

From: The association of urinary heavy metal exposure with frailty susceptibility and mortality in middle-aged and older adults: a population-based study


Total population (n = 5370)


(n = 3852)


(n = 1518)


Age, n(%)


< 0.001

 < 65

3110 (57.91%)

2353 (61.09%)

757 (49.87%)


 ≥ 65

2260 (42.09%)

1499 (38.91%)

761 (50.13%)


Gender, n(%)


< 0.001


2717 (50.60%)

2032 (52.75%)

685 (45.13%)



2653 (49.40%)

1820 (47.25%)



Race/ethnicity, n(%)


< 0.001

 Mexican American

1132 (21.08%)

913 (23.70%)

219 (14.43%)


 Other Hispanic

546 (10.17%)

361 (9.37%)

185 (12.19%)


 Non-Hispanic White

1838 (34.23%)

1280 (33.23%)

558 (36.76%)


 Non-Hispanic Black

1466 (27.30%)

1063 (27.60%)

403 (26.55%)


 Other race including Multi-Racial

388 (7.23%)

235 (6.10%)

153 (10.08%)


Family income-poverty ratio, n (%)


< 0.001


917 (17.08%)

593 (13.31%)

474 (26.50%)



2337 (43.52%)

1836 (41.22%)

882 (49.33%)



2116 (39.40%)

2025 (45.46%)

433 (24.20%)


Body mass index, n(%)

29.26 ± 6.40

28.56 ± 5.74

31.02 ± 7.54

< 0.001

Higher education, n (%)


< 0.001


2801 (52.16%)

1859 (48.26%)

942 (62.06%)



2569 (47.84%)

1993 (51.74%)

576 (37.94%)


Smoking status, n (%)


< 0.001


2610 (48.60%)

1978 (51.35%)

632 (41.63%)



1985 (36.96%)

1366 (35.46%)

619 (40.78%)



775 (14.43%)

508 (13.19%)

267 (17.59%)


Alcohol intake, n (%)




3682 (68.57%)

2685 (69.70%)

997 (65.68%)



1688 (31.34%)

1167 (30.30%)

521 (34.32%)


Hypertension, n(%)




3819 (71.12%)

2784 (72.27%)

1035 (68.18%)



1551 (28.88%)

1068 (27.73%)

483 (31.82%)


Diabetes, n(%)


< 0.001


4204 (78.29%)

3317 (86.11%)

887 (58.43%)



991 (18.45%)

427 (11.09%)

564 (37.15%)



175 (3.26%)

108 (2.80%)

67 (4.41%)


Physical Activity, n(%)


< 0.001

 Very Light Physical Activity

1709 (31.82%)

999 (25.93%)

710 (46.77%)


 Light Physical Activity

1330 (24.77%)

955 (24.79%)

375 (24.70%)


 Medium Physical Activity

668 (12.44%)

530 (13.76%)

138 (9.09%)


 High Physical Activity

1663 (30.97%)

1368 (35.51%)

295 (19.43%)


Serum cotinine (ng/mL), mean ± SD

54.19 ± 134.16

48.68 ± 126.99

65.70 ± 145.54

< 0.001

eGFR(mL/min/m), n(%)


< 0.001

 ≥ 90

1592 (29.79%)

1235 (32.22%)

357 (23.63%)



2835 (52.79%)

2109 (54.75%)

726 (47.83%)


 < 60

943 (17.65%)

508 (13.25%)

435 (28.79%)

  1. VLPA: Very Light Physical Activity (< 150 MET-min/week); LPA: Light Physical Activity (150–960 MET-min/week); MPA: Medium Physical Activity (961–1800 MET-min/week); HPA: High Physical Activity (> 1800 MET-min/week); eGFR: estimated glomerular filtration rate