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Table 3 Overview of planned methods and applications

From: Development of a theory- and evidence-based intervention to enhance implementation of physical therapy guidelines for the management of low back pain


Theoretical method


Practical applications


• Active learning theory [24, 25]

• Information transfer

• Knowledge

Individual PT and PQM

Individual PT and PQM


• Brief lectures

• Get acquainted with self-regulation

• Knowledge about the content of the guidelines and measurement instruments


• Get acquainted with management process

• Get acquainted with management tools

• Elaboration likelihood

• Active information processing

• Knowledge

Individual PT and PQM

Individual PT and PQM

Model [26]

• Cooperative learning

• Attitude (guideline characteristics and affective determinants)

• Small group sessions with peers and practice

• Attitude building about guideline – what does the patient gain?

• Active learning theory [24, 25]

• Environmental re- evaluation

• Social norms

• Plenary discussions

• How do colleagues think about the guideline?

• Transtheoretical model [27]

• Social influence


• Better processing of new knowledge

• Theory of planned behavior [28]

• Discussion


• Self regulation [19, 29]

• Self monitoring

• Awareness

Individual PT and PQM

Individual PT

• Transtheoretical model [27]

• Conciousness raising


• Home-work assignment

• Comparing a patient record with the recommendations in the guideline for low back pain

• Precaution adoption



Process model [30]

• Personalizing ‘risk’


• Assessment of practice organization and practice change culture


• Organizational reflection


• Goal setting theory [22]

• Goal setting

• Outcome

Individual PT

Individual PT and PQM


• Participation

• Expectations

• Home work assignment

• Choosing points for improvement

• Cooperative

• Self-efficacy

• Small group work with peers

• Formulate SMART individual and collective goals

• learning

• Intention



• Discussion

• Commitment

Individual PT and PQM

• Leading a meeting to set goals for improvement

• Small group work with practice

• Setting SMART collective goals

• Feedback

• Skills

• Plenary discussion with peer and expert feedback


•Implementation intentions [23]

• Implementation intentions

• Outcome expectations

Individual PT

Individual PT

• Develop a personal

• Describe the SMART goals and the strategies to achieve them

•Active learning theory [24, 25]

• Planning coping responses

• Self-efficacy

• Development plan (PDP)


• Intention



• Feedback

• Skills

• Develop a practice quality improvement plan (PQIP)

• Describe the SMART goals and the management steps to take to achieve them

Individual PT and PQM

• Describe the necessary means

• Plenary presentation with peer and expert feedback of

• Estimate the costs

the PDP’s and the PQIP’s

• Make a risk analysis

•Active learning theory [24, 25]

• Active learning

• Self-efficacy

Individual PT and PQM

Individual PT

• Home-work assignment with expert and peer feedback

• Implement one of your goals

•Social constructivism [31, 32]

• Guided practice

• Skills



• Achieve quick wins

Self regulation [19, 29]

• Evaluation

• Skills

Individual PT and PQM

Individual PT and PQM

• Organizational diagnosis/monitor-ring


• Home-work assignment

• Evaluate if the intended change was achieved and why (not)


• Small group work with peers


•Goal setting theory [22]

• Action planning

• Commitment

Individual PT and PQM

Individual PT and PQM

•Implementation intentions [23]

• Participation

• Intention

• Home-work assignment

• Make a plan for continuation of the process

• Small group work with practice

• How do colleagues deal with barriers for implementation?

• Plenary presentation with peer and expert feedback


•Social cognitive theory [33]

• Vicarious learning

• Self-efficacy

Individual PT and PQM

Individual PT and PQM

• Modeling

• Skills

• Meet the expert session

• Improve self-efficacy and skills about handling psychosocial factors

  1. PT = Physical Therapist; PQM = Practice Quality Manager; SMART = Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic, Time specific.