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Table 1 Qualitative content analysis of what adolescents in The Preventive School project (Sweden, 2012) think bullying is

From: Understanding and defining bullying – adolescents’ own views

Meaning-carrying unit

Condensed meaning-carrying unit




… I believe that bullying is more like… you can only know yourself if you have been bullied or not, I think. Because you have… everybody think differently about what bullying is.

One can only know yourself if you are being bullied or not because everyone thinks differently about what bullying is

Only you can know if you’ve been bullied


The core of bullying

I may think it is bullying but someone else may not think it’s bullying. So it could be really different.

I may think that something is bullying but someone else does not think it’s bullying

Think differently about what bullying is.


The core of bullying

It is one person being oppressed by the other. So one who feels weaker. Maybe does not dare to say what he or she thinks. And then the other oppresses that person. Then it’s more like bullying

One who becomes oppressed and feels weaker. Does not dare say what he or she thinks

A weaker person being oppressed

Behavior descriptions

The core of bullying

If you post a picture and someone writes ugly … well the one who becomes a victim of bullying posts a picture, and the other says ugly things … well, writes ugly things … like comments to the picture

You post a picture and someone writes ugly comments to the picture

Write ugly comments to pictures

Behavior descriptions

The core of bullying