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Table 1 Search strategy in Medline

From: Review of the nutritional benefits and risks related to intense sweeteners

1. Sweetening agent*.mp

2. Sweetener*.mp


4. Aspartam*.mp

5. Aspartam*-acesulfame salt*.mp

6. Acesulfam*.mp

7. Acesulfame


9. Cyclamat*.mp

10. Stevia*.mp

11. Steviol*.mp

12. Neohesperidin

13. Neotam*.mp

14. Saccharin*.mp

15. Sucralose*.mp

16. Thaumatin*.mp

17. Low calori*.mp

18. Sugar substitue*.mp

19. Diet* drink*.mp

20. Diet* refreshement*.mp

21. Diet* food*.mp

22. Diet* chocolat*.mp

23. Diet* yoghourt*.mp

24. Diet* milk*.mp

25. Diet* beverage*.mp

26. Diet* jam*.mp

27. Diet* marmalade*.mp

28. Diet* candy*.mp

29 Diet* cookie*.mp

30. Diet* biscuit*.mp

31. Diet* cracker*.mp

32. Diet* eat*.mp

33. Diet* cuisine*.mp

34. Diet* cook*mp

35. Diet*

36. Diet* nutriment*.mp

37. Diet* nutrition*.mp

38. Diet*menu*.mp

39. Diet* dish*.mp

40. Diet* drinkable*.mp

41. Diet* drinking*.mp

42. Diet* juice*.mp

43. Or/1-16

44. Or/17-42

45. Or/43-44

46. Limit 45 to humans