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Table 7 Model calculation for a cost analysis in concurrent and sequential mixed-mode designs (number of cases: 20,000; sequential mixed-mode design response rate: 20.0%)a

From: Mixing modes in a population-based interview survey: comparison of a sequential and a concurrent mixed-mode design for public health research


Concurrent mixed-mode design

Sequential mixed-mode design

Numberof mailings

Cost factors

Numberof mailings

Cost factors

Small letter

Large letter

Printed questionnaire

Data entry

Small letter

Large letter

Printed questionnaire

Data entry

1st contact

91 419


91 419

91 419


100 000

100 000


2nd contact

75 802

75 802


89 018


89 018

89 018


3rd contact

67 666

67 666


79 673

79 673


Total letters

234 887

143 468

91 419

91 419


268 690

179 673

89 018

89 018


Valid questionnaires SAQ-Paper

15 908


15 908




Valid questionnaires SAQ-Web




10 469



Valid questionnaires

20 000


20 000


Cost analysis


Costs per unit


0.70 €

2.20 €

3.00 €

9 min


0.70 €

2.20 €

3.00 €

9 min

Postage and printing costs in €


100 427.74

201 122.11

274 257.43


125 770.83

195 839.29

267 053.57


Postage for received questionnaires in €


34 996.70


20 967.51


Total postage and printing costs in €


610 803.97


609 631.20


Total costs in working minutes


143 168


85 776

Total postage and printing costs per valid questionnaire in €






Total working time needed per valid questionnaire (min.)





Total costs for 20 000 valid questionnaires in working hours (working weeks), rounded up


2400 (62)


1450 (37)

Costs for working time in € (per pay scale of public service)b


59 182.82


35 318.18

Total postage and printing costs for 20 000 valid questionnaires (in €)


610 803.97


609 631.20


Total costs for 20 000 valid questionnaires (in €)


669 985.79


644 949.38

  1. aExcluding overhead costs and working time for supervision, data cleaning, and homogenization
  2. bCalculated with German TVöD 4 (payment 42 000 €/year including social insurance), 44 weeks crude data entry per year