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Table 1 Description of independent variable

From: Prevalence and associated factors of anemia among adolescent girls attending high schools in Dembia District, Northwest Ethiopia, 2017



1. House hold level factor

 Area of residency

Urban and rural

 socio economic status of the house hold

SES was measured by using tertile index derived from household assets and utilities score,the wealth tertile divided into (rich, middle and poor)

 house hold food insecurity

HFAS(house hold food security access scale) was assessed from FANTA(Food and nutrition technical assistance) 2007 with nine main question, HFAS divided into (Food security defines the Household food security level of the summations was ≤1 point out of 27 scores while, the household food security level of the summations ≥2 point out of 27 scores were food insecure.)

 Environmental sanitation and hygiene

Were included using WASH(Water Sanitation and Hygiene) formats.

2. Adolescent level

 Dietary diversity score

DDS was assessed by using FANTA 2016 with the classification of,the individual who was consume five and above defined food groups out of ten was adequate dietary diversity and The individual who was consume below five defined food groups in the previous day or night were inadequate dietary diversity

 Adolescent BMI for age

Was calculated by using height and weight measurement with anthro-plus software and found BAZ (body mass index for age in z score)(thinness)

 Adolescent menstrual status

Menstrual status especially, mennorhagia was assessed with the amount of pad changed within the hour and the individuals who were changed two and more pad within a hour .

 Adolescent hemoglobin status

hemoglobin levels below 12 g/dl was anemic at sea level

3. Adolescent mother/Guardians

 Maternal education

Years of education completed

 Maternal occupation

Years of education completed