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Table 4 Prevalence of Psychological Distress by Gender, May to July 2018, Nsukka, Nigeria

From: Adverse childhood experiences and psychological distress among higher education students in Southeast Nigeria: an institutional-based cross-sectional study

Response Categories


N (%)



N (%)


N (%)

None of the time

30 (14.8)

19 (63.3)

11 (36.7)

A little of the time

71 (35.0)

28 (39.4)

43 (60.6)

Some of the time

87 (42.9)

33 (37.9)

54 (62.1)

Most of the time

12 (5.9)

3 (25.0)

9 (75.0)

All of the time

3 (1.4)

2 (66.7)

1 (33.3)

Dichotomized PD scores


92 (45.3)

43 (56.6)a

49 (53.5)a


111 (54.7)

42 (49.4)a

69 (64.5)a

  1. Note. Absence of psychological distress = K10 < 20, Presence of psychological distress = K10 ≥ 20
  2. a Within Gender