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Table 1 Main interview questions for the study “Circumstances of and motivators for repeat adolescent birth in Eastern Uganda”

From: “… I would have left that man long time ago but, …” exploring circumstances of and motivators for repeat adolescent birth in Eastern Uganda

Main questions asked regarding repeat adolescent birth (Category of respondents were: women with repeat adolescent birth, partners, and parents to daughters with repeat adolescent birth)

1. Please share with us the circumstances under which you/your partner/your daughter had the first childbirth?

Probe: About upbringing, schooling, employment, marriage/union, living alone, age at conception and childbirth, contraception use/non-use, living alone, etc)

2. After the first pregnancy was confirmed until the repeat adolescent pregnancy and birth, please tell us about what happened to you/your partner/your daughter. Take us through the events.

Probe: for marriage/union, who she lived with, where she gave birth, who was caring for her, contraception use/non-use, schooling, employment/work, etc

*Partner: inquire if the first and repeat childbirths from this lady are all his. If only the repeat birth, explain the circumstances and motivators for it.

3. Help us understand, from your perspective, what influenced you/your partner/your daughter to have another child before age 20 years?

Probe for: Economic, social, personal desire, marriage related, family support, peer influence, community, and reproductive health services related factors.

4. At the time you/your partner/your daughter had another birth, was this the preferred time? Please explain your response.

5. Of all the things you have shared with us, which was the biggest influencer for you/your partner/your daughter to have another child before age 20 years?

Probe for reasons/influencers. Summarize the reasons eg 3.

Main questions asked regarding no-repeat adolescent birth (Category of respondents were: women with no-repeat adolescent birth and parents to daughters with no-repeat adolescent birth)

1. Please share with us the circumstances under which you/your daughter had the first childbirth?

Probe: About upbringing, schooling, employment, marriage/union, living alone, age at conception and childbirth, contraception use/non-use, living alone, etc

2. After the first pregnancy was confirmed until the age of 20 years, please tell us about what happened to you/your daughter. Take us through the events.

Probe: for marriage/union, who she lived with, where she gave birth, who was caring for her, schooling, contraception use/non-use, employment/work, etc

3. Help us understand, from your perspective, what influenced you/your daughter not to have another child before age 20 years?

Probe for: Economic, social, personal desire, marriage related, family support, peer influence, community, and reproductive health services related factors.