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Table 4 Relationship between parents’ demographics and their awareness concerning categories of “first thousand days of life”

From: Assessing parents’ awareness about children’s “first thousand days of life”: a descriptive and analytical study


Mean ± SD


Period of the first thousand days and its importance

Importance of nutrition and food supplements

Role of parents in the first thousand days of life and the importance of the socio-economic status of the family

Use of digital media by children


 < 30

27.23 ± 22.67

22.80 ± 33.06 *

70.46 ± 26.11

39.13 ± 51.15

 >= 30 Ref

24.95 ± 23.58

31.03 ± 34.38

68.26 ± 35.12

49.32 ± 53.18



26.42 ± 23.49

30.69 ± 34.28

67.95 ± 27.09

41.82 ± 53.02

 Male Ref

25.75 ± 17.74

23.13 ± 25.84

70.78 ± 20.43

46.63 ± 39.99


 Under high school diploma

29.96 ± 15.87

24.14 ± 23.17

70.16 ± 18.27

57.30 ± 35.79*

 High school diploma

19.02 ± 20.94*

25.54 ± 30.53

69.05 ± 25.95

46.41 ± 47.22*

 Academic Ref

29.28 ± 27.92

31.05 ± 40.75

68.87 ± 32.23

28.96 ± 63.09

Spouse's education

 Under high school diploma

21.08 ± 16.22*

22.62 ± 23.65

69.01 ± 18.68

44.73 ± 36.55

 High school diploma

24.27 ± 18.24*

26.57 ± 26.58

67.85 ± 22.98

40.25 ± 41.11

 Academic Ref

32.92 ± 28.51

31.55 ± 41.65

71.23 ± 32.92

47.70 ± 64.35

Parents status

 Having a child under the age of two

24.74 ± 22.09

30.44 ± 23.16

66.93 ± 25.39

47.53 ± 49.74

 Expecting a baby

27.28 ± 23.37

28.72 ± 31.14

68.19 ± 24.59

45.49 ± 48.13

 Actively trying to have a child Ref

26.24 ± 18.39

21.58 ± 26.86

72.96 ± 21.20

39.65 ± 41.51

  1. Notes: * indicate p < 0.05, Ref Indicate Reference, SD Standard Deviation