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Table 1 Search strategy for the scoping review

From: Factors influencing access and utilization of health services among older people during the COVID − 19 pandemic: a scoping review


Aged [Mesh] AND (utilization [Title/Abstract] OR access [Title/Abstract] OR accessibility [Title/Abstract] OR “use of services”[Title/Abstract]) AND COVID-19[Mesh]


(TITLE-ABS-KEY (“COVID-19” OR “coronavirus disease-19” OR “2019-nCoV” OR ncov OR “2019 novel coronavirus” OR “novel coronavirus” OR “acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” OR sars-cov-2) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (aged OR elder OR “old age” OR ageing OR elderly) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (utilization OR access OR accessibility OR “use of services”)) AND (LIMIT-TO (LANGUAGE, “English”))

Web of Science

TOPIC: (aged OR elder OR “old age” OR ageing OR elderly) AND TOPIC: (utilization OR access OR accessibility OR “use of services”) AND TOPIC: (“COVID-19” OR “coronavirus disease-19” OR “2019-nCoV” OR ncov OR “2019 novel coronavirus” OR “novel coronavirus” OR “acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” OR sars-cov-2)


)aged:ab,ti OR elder:ab,ti OR ‘old age’:ab,ti OR ageing:ab,ti OR elderly:ab,ti)


(utilization:ab,ti OR access:ab,ti OR accessibility:ab,ti OR ‘use of services’)


(“COVID-19”:ab,ti OR “coronavirus disease-19”:ab,ti OR “2019-nCoV”:ab,ti OR ncov:ab,ti OR “2019 novel coronavirus”:ab,ti OR “novel coronavirus”:ab,ti OR “acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2”:ab,ti OR sars-cov-2:ab,ti)