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Table 3 Most significant events related to the primary health care in the world and District Health Network in Iran

From: District health network policy in Iran: the role of ideas, interests, and institutions (3i framework) in a nutshell

Dimensions of the Framework

Issues related to the establishment of health houses in Iran


Trends, experiences and evidence related to the idea of “Health Network Policy” in Iran:


• Establishment of the World Health Organization; Kennedy’s Peace Corps Thesis, The China’s barefoot doctors, strengthening of Social Justice Approaches in Global Health; Alma-Ata International Conference.


• Training of Assistant Physicians (Behdār) in Iran, the establishment of Health Corps, Training of Assistant Physicians (Behdār) in Kavar (Fars Province), Rezaieh National Project.

-Beliefs and discourses:

Dominant discourse: helping the disadvantage groups especially rural area

Empathy and social cohesion: supportive context for participatory plans


• Existence of opposition to DHN policy and overcoming it by advocacies and almost aligning the interests of the parliament with the goals of DHN policy


Rules: Article 20, 29 and 43 of the Iranian Constitution

• Addressing the health and sanitation status of rural areas was one of the main expectations of people from the government in that time

Policy Network: Establishment of the network with strong relationships between designers of DHN policy and politicians (Minister of health and his deputy) due to the old friendship and common experiences and beliefs.