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Table 2 Overview of country level healthcare systems

From: Has Latin America achieved universal health coverage yet? Lessons from four countries






UHC Commitment





Healthcare systems Characteristics and Organization

Tripartite system (Public, Social Security and Private health plans) (All citizens are entitled to use the public sector despite having other forms of coverage.)

Dual system: Public Sector (“Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS”) and Private (Supplemental Health (SHS))

MoH through Plan Obligatorio de Salud (POS) [Mandatory Health Plan] determine the health coverage. Private health plans and Armed Forces plans also exist for certain subgroup

Tripartite system: Public sector, Social security (IMSS, ISSTE, PEMEX covers more than 70% of population) and private insurance.

Healthcare services Provision

Public sector manages their healthcare facilities at each level. Social security and Private sector provide through its own healthcare facilities or contracting other private providers.

Healthcare facilities are managed at municipal and state level through hospitals and primary care centers. Private sector is contracted by the MoH to provide advanced care or reduce waiting lists.

Private organizations (EPS – Health Providers Organizations) administrate and deliver care either own (IPS) or contract private institutions to provide healthcare.

EPS also provides private health plan with copayments.

Social security institutions own their healthcare facilities where provide services. Public hospitals cover “Seguro popular” or the uninsured. Private facilities also provide services through arrangements with social security or by fee for services.

Public Healthcare Financing Mechanisms

General Taxes +Provincial and Municipal Taxes for each sublevel.

General Taxes + Federal, Statal and municipal budgets.

Districts or municipal taxes + Government contributions and central taxes.

General and State Taxes. The Central Governments subsidize 50% of “Seguro Popular”.