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Table 3 The codes extracted for the strategies theme

From: Factors affecting the physical activity of healthcare workers of Iran University of Medical Sciences: a qualitative study


2.1. Policy-making and legislation

2.1.1. Creating and enforcing exercise breaks

2.1.2. Allocation of budget to personnel’s physical activity at the macro level

2.1.3. Raising awareness and engaging managers and officials in physical activity

2.1.4. Making exercise mandatory for the personnel

2.1.5. Incorporating physical activity into the civil service law

2.1.6 Training and exercise programs in the workplace

2.1.7. Promoting a culture of physical activity from childhood

2.2. Organizational factors

2.2.1. Needs assessment and assigning an exercise liaison

2.2.2. Hiring a coach

2.2.3. Increasing the workforce size

2.2.4. Reducing the work hours

2.2.5. Holding physical activity training

2.2.6. Reforming the organizational culture about the personnel’s physical activity

2.2.7. Facilitating the health personnel’s transportation to and from the university gym

2.2.8. Allowing different time slots for physical activity (before, during, and after work)

2.2.9. The use of city bikes at the university, and morning jogs in groups

2.2.10. Installing workplace exercise software on the personnel’s computers

2.3. Environmental factors

2.3.1. Diversity in physical activity, and creating a suitable space for exercise

2.3.2. Creating a suitable space for exercise, especially for women

2.3.3. Standard, safe, easily-accessible exercise spaces