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Table 3 Various indications of caesarean deliveries and their relative frequencies as reported in the studies

From: Prevalence, indications and neonatal complications of caesarean deliveries in Cameroon: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Author name

sample size (N)

Indications of CD

Njim-1b, 2017 [3]


Cephalopelvic disproportion (7/25), acute foetal distress (7/25), previous CS (4/25), malpresentation (3/25), maternal request (3/25), dystocia (1/25)

Tanyi, 2016 [34]


Cephalopelvic disproportion (64/199), previous CS (55), malpresentation (26/199), foetal distress (16), foetal macrosomia (15), placenta praevia (9), HTN disorders (6), multiple pregnancy (2), placenta abruption (1)

Tebeu, 2008 [35]


Cephalopelvic disproportion (47/144), placenta previa (13/144), cord prolapse (10/144), uterine rupture (9/144), arm prolapse (7/144), malpresentation (7/144), fibroid previa (2/144), placenta abruption (2/144), multiple pregnancy (10/144), dystocia (6/144), hypertensive disorders (4/144), previous CS (3/144), malformation (3/144), foetal distress (2/144), undefined (19/144)

Foumane, 2014 [29]


Cephalopelvic disproportion (21/219), previous CS (33/219), antepartum haemorrhage (24/219), malpresentation (20/219), acute foetal distress (18/219), dystocia (28/219), multiple pregnancy (13/219), macrosomia (11/219), cord prolapse (9/219), old primipa (7/219), uterine rupture (4/219), PMTCT (3/219), DVT (2/219)

Doh, 1991 [26]


Cephalopelvic disproportion (109/741), malpresentation (88/741), foetal distress (159/741), antepartum haemorrhage (57/741), cord prolapse (19/741), hypertensive disorders (24/741), uterine rupture (10/741), previous CS (94/741), failed induction/dystocia (29/741), others (152/741)

Nana-1a, 2011 [22]


Cephalopelvic disproportion (28/61), foetal distress (7/61), multiple pregnancy (9/61), previous CS (8/61), macrosomia (2/61), others (7/61)

Nana-1b, 2011 [22]


Cephalopelvic disproportion (13/30), foetal distress (4/40), multiple pregnancy (2/30), previous CS (4/30), others (7/30)

  1. N total number of pregnant women, HTN hypertension, CS caesarean section, PMTCT prevention of mother to child transmission, DVT deep vein thrombosis