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Table 1 Independent variables and categorization

From: Factors associated with childhood diarrheal in Ethiopia; a multilevel analysis



Individual level factors

 Age of child (months)

0–23, 24–35, 36–59

 Sex of the child

Male; Female

 Birth order

First, 2–3, 4 and above

 Anemia level

Anemic, not anemic

 Child is twin

Single, Multiple

 Place of delivery

Home, health facility

 Vaccination of child

Yes, No

 Size of child at birth

Larger than average, average, smaller than average

 Duration of breastfeeding

Ever breastfed, not currently breastfeeding, Never breastfed, Still breastfeeding

 Respondent’s age (year)


 Highest educational level

No education, Primary, Secondary and above

 Family size

≤4, > 4

 Wealth index

Poor, Medium, Rich

 Current marital status

Separated, Married

 Respondent currently working

Not working, Had working

 Husband education level

No education, Primary, Secondary and above

 Number of children

≤3,> 4

Community level factors

 Place of residence

Urban, Rural


Tigray, Afar, Amhara, Oromia, Somali, Beninshangul-Gumuz, SNNPR, Gambela, Harari, Dire Dawa

 Toilet facility use

Yes, No

 Source of drinking water

Protected, Unprotected