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Table 1 Summary of all constructs from HPM assessed via self-reported questionnaire in this study

From: Predictors of physical activity among women in Bojnourd, north east of Iran: Pender’s health promotion model




Individual characteristics and experiences

α b = .83, na = 24

To clarify prior related behavior that influence PA

Participants were asked to indicate: regular physical activates (the weekly frequency and duration of sport, leisure, setting time, Job, transport, and household, caring family/yard activities during the last 7 days) using short-IPAQ-L [13].

Perceived self-efficacy

α = .91, n = 8

To examine the strength of the participants’ confidence regarding their ability to engage in regular PA despite various conflicting situations

Participants were asked to rate their self-confidence and capability in different situations: e.g., how much degree of confidence do you have to conduct physical activity even if you were tired?, rated from 0 (no confidence) to 4 (great confidence) [21, 22].

Activity-related affect

α = .81, n = 5

To examine effect of positive emotions or feeling states occurring during and prior PA

Participants were asked to select how much they agree with PA behavior enjoyment or affect: e.g., I enjoy exercising, rated from 0 (completely disagree) to 4 (completely agree) [21, 22].

Perceived Barriers

α = .91

α = 10

To evaluate barriers perceived as preventing them from performing physical activity

Participants were asked to rate how much they agree with the perceived barriers such as family obligations, lack of knowledge and skills, health problems: e.g., I might not perform regular PA if I didn’t have enough time, or I don’t have a good place to exercise; rated from 0 (completely disagree) to 4 (completely agree) [21, 22].

Perceived Benefits

α = .87, n = 10

To evaluate levels of agreement regarding perceptions and commitments about expected benefits of regular PA

Participants were asked to rate how much they agree with perceived benefits such as improving their lifestyle, prevention of chronic diseases, decreased nervousness and staying young: e.g., a reason I perform regular PA, I feel exercise improves my physical appearance/ or decrease my nervousness, 0 (completely disagree) to 4 (completely agree) [13, 21, 22].

Commitment to a plan

α = .89, n = 2

To examine their intention to carry out PA

Participants were asked to clarify their commitment statues: e.g., do you have regular schedule to perform physical activity? or do you have commitment to your regular schedule regarding PA?, rated from 0 (No) to 1 (yes) [13].

Interpersonal influences

α = .94, n = 8

To examine the frequency of social supports, modeling and norms given by family members and friends who encouraged them for engaging in PA; To examine vicarious learning through observing others person engaged in PA; To assess expectations of others regarding women engagement in PA

Participants are rated the frequency of perceived support: e.g., how often does your husband/ parents changes their schedule so they can exercise with you?; or My friends exercise with little effort or My parents/husband expects me to exercise; rated 0 (never) 4 (always) [13, 21, 22].

Situational influences

α = .79, n = 6

To evaluate the level of participant’s perceptions about different situation that influences their appropriate PA

Participants were asked to rate how much they agree with the situational influences such as (walking environment in home and neighborhood), policies, economic condition, weather, inaccessible exercise facilities: e.g., I think it is easy for me to access exercise facilities/ in home/neighborhood, I think that cost of exercise is reasonable in my city. Rated from 0 (completely disagree) to 4 (completely agree) [21, 22].

Behavioral outcomes

α = .89, n = 8

To examine the participants’ belief and health decision-making regarding PA end point

Participants were asked to select how much they agree with regular PA: e.g., I consider regular schedule to perform PA during week, I manage my time to engage in regular PA despite various conflicting situations, rated 0(never) to 4 (always) [21, 22].

  1. anumber of question
  2. bCronbach’s alpha