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Table 1 Overview of the questions and the corresponding covariates of the second and the sixth COVID-19 Health Survey, Belgium 2020–2021

From: Domestic violence during the COVID-19 confinement: do victims feel more socially isolated?

Questions second survey

Questions sixth survey

Sociodemographic and health covariates

What is your year of birth?


Age group

1. 18–34 years

2. 35–54 years

3. 55+ years

What is you gender?

1. Man

2. Women

3. Other



1. Men

2. Women

- (excluded)

What type of household do you live in?

1. Living alone

2. As couple without child (ren)

3. As a couple, with child (ren)

4. Living alone with child (ren)

5. With my parent(s), family, friends or acquaintances

6. Other


Household composition

- (excluded)

2. Couple, without child (ren)

3. Couple, with child (ren)

4. Living alone with child (ren)

5. Living with parents, family, …

6. Other

Including yourself, how many people live in your household?

How many people live in your household, including yourself?

Household size

1. 2–4 persons

2. 5 persons or more

What is the highest level of education degree you have completed?

1. No degree

2. Primary education

3. Secondary education

4. Bachelor

5. Master

6. Doctorate: PhD

7. Other


Educational attainment

1. Low (answer categories 1–3)

2. High (answer categories 4–6)

- (answer category 7 excluded)

To what extent does the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic have an impact on your household’s monthly net income

1. No impact

2. Limited impact (limited loss of income)

3. Significant impact (significant loss of income)

4. Serious impact (serious loss of income)

On the following scale, to what extent does the corona crisis still impact the following domains of your life today, considering that − 5 = most negative impact, 0 = no impact and + 5 = the most positive impact?

11 domains including income

Impact of COVID-19 on income

1. No (or positive) impact

- Survey 2: answer category 1

- Survey 6: from + 5 to 0

2. Negative impact (loss)

- Survey 2: answer categories 2–4

- Survey 6: − 1 to − 5

Health related quality of life: standardized instrument developed by the European EuroQol [34] concerning 5 dimensions: problems of mobility, self-care, performance of the usual activities, pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression


Reporting no health problems (EQ-5D)

1. Yes (report a problem in at least one of the dimensions)

2. No (no problem on all dimensions)