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Table 2 Overview of the questions and the corresponding indicators of the second and the sixth COVID-19 Health Survey, Belgium 2020–2021

From: Domestic violence during the COVID-19 confinement: do victims feel more socially isolated?

Questions second survey

Questions sixth survey

Independent indicators

Since 13 March 2020, have you experienced verbal/psychological violence (e.g. insults, ridicule, humiliation), physical violence (e.g. being beaten, shaken up) or sexual violence (e.g. forced sexual acts, rape) within in your family?

1. No, and never before

2. No, but before that

3. Yes, but less than usual

4. Yes, same as usual

5. Yes, and more than usual

In the past 12 months, have you experienced verbal/psychological violence (e.g. insults, ridicule, humiliation), physical violence (e.g. being beaten, shaken up) or sexual violence (e.g. forced sexual acts, rape) within in your family?

1. No, and never before

2. No, but before that

3. Yes, but less than usual

4. Yes, same as usual

5. Yes, and more than usual

Victim of domestic violence

1. Yes (answer categories 3–5)

2. No (answer categories 1–2)

If yes

If yes


Since 13 March 2020, what type of violence have you experienced within your family?

- Verbal/psychological violence: 1. Yes – 2. No

- Physical violence: 1. Yes – 2. No

- Sexual violence: 1. Yes – 2. No

In the past 12 months, what type of violence have you experienced within your family?

- Verbal/psychological violence: 1. Yes – 2. No

- Physical violence: 1. Yes – 2. No

- Sexual violence: 1. Yes – 2. No

Victim of psychological violence within the family

1. Yes

2. No

Victim of physical violence (including sexual violence) within the family

1. Yes

2. No