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Table 3 Overview of the questions and the corresponding indicators of the second and the sixth COVID-19 Health Survey, Belgium 2020–2021

From: Domestic violence during the COVID-19 confinement: do victims feel more socially isolated?

Questions second survey

Questions sixth survey

Subjective social isolation dependent indicators

Based on what you have seen, read or heard, how confident are you that the following institutions are dealing well with the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic?

“The health care services (doctors, hospitals, …)”

1. Very confident

2. Less confident

3. No opinion

Not included

Confidence in health care services

1. Very confident

2. Less confident

- (answer category 3 excluded)

How do you judge your social contacts of the last 2 weeks?

1. Really satisfied

2. Rather satisfied

3. Rather unsatisfied

4. Really unsatisfied


Satisfaction with social contacts

1. (Rather) unsatisfied (answer cat. 3–4)

2. (Rather) satisfied (answer categories 1–2)

Over the last 2 weeks, how many people were so close to you that you could count on them if you would have had serious personal problems?

1. None

2. 1 or 2

3. 3–5

4. 6 or more



Over the last 2 weeks, how much concern have people shown in what you were doing?

1. A lot of concern and interest

2. Some concern and interest

3. Uncertain

4. Little concern and interest

5. No concern and interest


Quality of social support derived from OSLO social support scale (OSSS-3) [35]

1. Weak support

2. Moderate/strong support

Over the last 2 weeks, how easy was it to get practical help from neighbours if you should have needed it?

1. Very easy

2. Easy

3. Possible

4. Difficult

5. Very difficult



Not included

Below you find some statements about you and the people around you. Please score how valid the statement is for you.

01. I experience a general sense of emptiness

02. There are plenty of people I can rely on when I have problems

03. There are many people I can trust completely

04. There are enough people I feel close to

05. I miss having people around me

06. I often feel rejected

With the answer categories: 1. Yes! – 2. Yes – 3. More or less – 4. No – 5. No!

Social loneliness derived from the De Jong-Gierveld scale [36] (based on the items 02, 03 and 04)

0. Not lonely

1. Lonely

Emotional loneliness derived from the De Jong-Gierveld scale [36] (based on the items 01, 05 and 06)

0. Not lonely

1. Lonely