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Table 1 Steps of the programme’s adaptation and the status of implementation at the time of study protocol

From: Feasibility of a community-adapted multi-domain intervention for dementia prevention among older adults: a research protocol

Step name


1. Conduct a needs assessment

Conducted interviews with J-MINT officials, Obu City department heads (health and welfare, planning, and community development), and public health nurses

2. Consult with experts

The authors of this article developed the original intervention and discussed it with the team, including experts in implementation science.

3. Consult with stakeholders and review assessment data to determine most appropriate and effective EBI

Discussed appropriate EBI to be implemented with frontline public health nurses and community volunteers

4. Decide what needs adapting

Research team and community health nurses Identified items for adaptation within the FRAME

5. Adapt the original EBI


6. Train staff

Staff and volunteers have been trained

7. Pilot and test the adapted materials

Will be implemented

8. Evaluate

Will be implemented

  1. Abbreviations: J-MINT, The Japan-multimodal intervention trial for prevention of dementia; EBI, Evidence Based Intervention; FRAME, The Framework for Reporting Adaptations and Modifications-Expanded