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Table 5 Health-related outcomes measured in the included studies (n = 13)

From: Support interventions to promote health and wellbeing among women with health-related consequences following traumatic experiences linked to armed conflicts and forced migration: a scoping review

Health-related outcomes (Instruments)

Total reports, n [ref]

Psychological health, disorders, or distress

 All reports investigating psychological health, disorders, or distress

11 [37,38,39,40, 42,43,44,45,46,47,48]

 Post-traumatic stress disorder (PCL-C; PCL-5; PCL-6; HRQ; HTQ; IES)

9 [37, 39, 40, 42,43,44, 46,47,48]

 Depressive disorder (PHQ-9; HSCL-25; HADS-D; PHQ-SADS; SCL 90-R)

9 [38, 39, 42,43,44,45,46,47,48]

 Anxiety (HSCL-25; HADS-A; PHQ-SADS; SCL 90-R; GAD-7)

8 [38, 39, 42,43,44,45,46,47]

 General mental health or psychological distress (GHQ; K6)

3 [40, 42, 48]

 Individualized outcome of personal distress (PSYCHLOPS)

3 [42, 44, 48]

 Psychological wellbeing (PWB; WHO-5)

2 [37, 48]

 Somatization (PHQ-SADS)

1 [43]

 Emotional distress (RHS-15)

1 [46]

 Psychological flexibility (AAQ-II)

1 [48]

Social support or social interactions

 All reports investigating social support or social interactions

4 [43, 44, 46, 48]

 Social support (MOS-SSS; MSPSS)

3 [43, 44, 46]

 Positive interactions between ethnic groups (Four-point scale)

1 [48]

Functioning and disability

 Disability assessment (WHODAS)

3 [42, 44, 48]

Psychological reactions

 All reports investigating psychological reactions

2 [40, 48]

 Explosive anger (Dichotomous questions)

1 [48]

 Grief (GI)

1 [40]

Coping and development

 All reports investigating coping and development

2 [41, 45]

 Adversity-activated development (Grid of outcomes)

1 [41]

 Coping (WAYS; OMGC)

1 [45]