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Table 1 Collective leadership principles associated with lessons learned in PriCARE to help overcome implementation challenges

From: Fostering collective leadership to improve integrated primary care: lessons learned from the PriCARE program

Collective leadership principles

Lessons learned in PriCARE

Communicate a vision oriented on the provision of high-quality care at every level and agree on clear objectives

Disseminate largely that patient-centered care and CM is a priority for the organization

Provide tools for facilitating communication and information about the program

Encourage dialogue, debate, and discussion among stakeholders

Organize regular discussions to communicate important information, share objectives, receive feedback, and discuss local adaptation of the intervention

Involve stakeholders in decision-making, listen, support, and empower them to lead the implementation

Consult stakeholders on key decisions, promote the intervention without forcing change, and adapt the intervention to local needs

Train and support case managers

Create a CoP for case managers

Foster stakeholders’ engagement by encouraging respect, recognizing everyone’s contribution, giving timely feedback, promoting equity and trust

Create a trusting environment, recognize the added value of stakeholders, encourage innovation, and ensure transparency

Promote collective leadership qualities and behaviors: compassion, support, commitment, desire to involve patients and their family in care;

Select case managers based on their engagement, leadership, and interpersonal skills