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Volume 82 Supplement 1

Coming together to fight cancer: a series of policy briefs taking stock of the implementation of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan (EBCP) in Belgium”


Publication of this supplement has been funded by Sciensano. The articles have undergone the journal's standard peer review process for supplements. The Supplement Editor declares that they have no competing interests.

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Edited by Tit Albreht.

  1. Research is central to achieving Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, and is the key focus of the European Commission’s Mission on Cancer. To successfully tackle the challenges we face in cancer research, a coordinat...

    Authors: Gordana Raicevic Toungouz, Hélène A. Poirel, Gabrielle Schittecatte and Marc Van Den Bulcke
    Citation: Archives of Public Health 2024 82(Suppl 1):134
  2. Children and Adolescents and Young Adults with cancer represent a young population with specific needs, which need to be addressed in a patient- and cancer-driven way. There is an urgent need to support and ex...

    Authors: Hélène A. Poirel, Gabrielle Schittecatte and Fabienne Van Aelst
    Citation: Archives of Public Health 2024 82(Suppl 1):140
  3. There is an increasing number of cancer survivors, including children, adolescents, young adults, individuals of working age, and the elderly, within the Belgian and European population. Yet, survivorship care...

    Authors: Régine Kiasuwa Mbengi, Gabrielle Schittecatte and Sofie Theys
    Citation: Archives of Public Health 2024 82(Suppl 1):143
  4. The availability and linkage of comprehensive data on cancer mortality, incidence, screening and vaccination (HPV/HB) are essential for monitoring the process and impact of all screening and vaccination progra...

    Authors: Cindy Simoens and Gabrielle Schittecatte
    Citation: Archives of Public Health 2024 82(Suppl 1):144
  5. Cancer is one of the main public health challenges globally. In Europe, it is also the second leading cause of mortality and incidence is likely to increase from nearly 4 million cases per year in 2020 to over...

    Authors: Marie Delnord, Gabrielle Schittecatte, Jinane Ghattas and Marc Van Den Bulcke
    Citation: Archives of Public Health 2024 82(Suppl 1):164

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    Journal Impact Factor: 3.2
    5-year Journal Impact Factor: 3.3
    Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.203
    SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.967

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